[Salon] The Freeman Report, TNT Radio: Vote for Nigel Farage! Anti-globalist. Anti-Washington narrative on Ukraine


The Freeman Report, TNT Radio: Vote for Nigel Farage! Anti-globalist. Anti-Washington narrative on Ukraine

It was a pleasure to participate yesterday in a live on-air chat with James Freeman, former UK Member of Parliament, on his radio cum video taped political discussion show. The link to the full one hour plus program is here:


My segment of the program begins at the 15-minute point. I particularly valued the opportunity to discuss the impact of the latest, 14th package of sanctions imposed by the EU on Russia yesterday, the results of Mr. Zelensky’s Peace gathering in Switzerland a week ago, and the conclusion of a mutual defense pact between Russia and North Korea, all of which I now reevaluate in light of the lurch towards all-out US-Russia war resulting from Sunday’s missile strike on Sevastopol in the Crimea, which had U.S. fingerprints all over it. The level of irresponsibility, pure recklessness of the present U.S. Administration is well beyond my earlier estimations.

I particularly recommend to viewers the introductory segment of the program by James Freeman which I, of course, had not heard when I was offered the microphone. He makes a strong appeal to voters in the U.K general elections which take place on 4 July to cast their vote for Nigel Farage, which, on first consideration, is a choice that many of us who live outside the U.K. will find off-putting, given the negative political and economic consequences of Mr. Farage’s success in promoting Brexit prior to the vote called by then Prime Minister Cameron. However, to my American audience in particular I must say that Farage’s anti-globalist position, anti “Uniparty” position and his holding the West responsible for provoking the Russian invasion of Ukraine – all of these positions place him very close to Robert F Kennedy in the U.S. elections and worthy of our close attention.

©Gilbert Doctorow

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